Thomas Hewerdine
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The common prayer-book no English mass-book: a sermon preach'd at the church of Bassingbourn in the county of Cambridge; July 14. 1717. ... By Tho. Hewerdine, ...
The common prayer-book no English mass-book: a sermon, preach'd at the church of Bassingbourn in the county of Cambridge: being the anniversary of the ... of the said church. By Tho. Hewerdine, Vicar.
A second address to the Anabaptists: being a vindication of the former from the exceptions made to it in a late paper, entituled, A brief reply &c. by ... By the author of the Serious address, &c.
A serious address to the Anabaptists: being a letter from a minister to some of his parishioners of that persuasion.
A discourse sent home to the absenters from the Church of England. In two parts. By Tho. Hewerdine, ...
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